FEED WINTER 2021 – Web

GREEN SHOOTS OF A VIBRANT INDUSTRY ORG A new media industry trade organisation has brought together streaming tech companies to collaborate on sustainability Words by Neal Romanek

It’s a new trade organisation, formed with backing from Robinson’s video

om Robinson has been a part of the streaming world since its early days, and a conference moderator for industry events in both the US and UK. In all that time, he had never once heard a serious discussion about end-to-end power

tech company, id3as, and the Help Me Stream

Research Foundation. The goal of Greening of Streaming is to help the streaming sector “bring together some of the biggest players in the

efficiency or the sustainability of content delivery workflows, despite the ever-growing need for energy that the content sector requires. But Robinson didn’t wait for someone else to solve the problem. He launched an initiative himself instead: Greening of Streaming.

industry, along with creative, lesser-known companies – to share best practices and make ourselves as efficient as we can be”. Teaming up with Robinson is a man he has known his entire life, Adam Curwin, whose background in


zoology and business finance will be combined in his role as Greening of Streaming’s executive director. The organisation is founded by an annual membership scheme, with tiered fees based on the size of the member enterprise. The first Greening of Streaming meet-up was in September this year. Although it was billed as


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