FEED WINTER 2021 – Web


People are obsessed with the smallest details, the most obscure statistics of their favourite teams. This kind of gamification, team building and numbers consciousness will need to be built into media. How about a real-time tracker that tells you exactly the CO2 output of your town at any moment of the day? And, of course, we need to go to zero carbon. That is, you need to go to zero carbon. Not ‘net zero,’ but real zero. ‘Net zero’ was introduced as we can’t grow food without emitting greenhouse gases – those will somehow need to be made up for through other technological or natural carbon capture. For the rest of us, we need to be hitting real zero, fast. So, let’s start with a resolution to never use the word ‘sustainability’ again. It’s time for action. If we can look facts in the face, not blink, and do it together, something amazing just might happen. As we try to save the future, we might start to like the new present we’re creating, too. MORE READING: ‘Sustainable development – historical roots of the concept’ by Jacobus A. Du Pisani Professor of History: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/ full/10.1080/15693430600688831 IPCC Report Summary for Policymakers: https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/ uploads/sites/2/2019/05/SR15_SPM_version_report_LR.pdf


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