FEED Issue 08


REGULAR, PERSONAL, INTERACTIVE & AUTHENTIC Video content is becoming ever more elaborate – and more expensive. One of the best ways to reach an audience may be the simplest online video form there is – the vlog Words by Mark Blair, SVP International, Brightcove

log. It’s not the loveliest word. It evolved from ‘blog’ – which in turn evolved from ‘weblog’. And a weblog was, in the early

with immediate feedback via comments. Some bloggers became celebrities, attracting huge numbers of regular readers. Some became influential socially, culturally, politically. Some got book deals. Then networks got faster, and online video technologies, and the devices for accessing those technologies, exploded. Though there are more blogs than ever today, and text pages still dominate the web, the lingua franca in the online world is becoming video.

MARK BLAIR: A vlog may just transform the way your customers see you and, if you’re lucky, how you do business

days of the internet, one of the first types of content to be created, and consumed, on a wide scale. Blogs took what the early, slower internet was supremely good at, text, and allowed anyone with a keyboard and an internet connection to tell a story, relate the daily facts of their lives, and build an audience

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