FEED Spring 2022 Web

RR: Nikki Finke, who wrote Deadline Hollywood, was a bomb thrower. I had issues with how she would write, because she could be more interested in the bombast than the accuracy. But she knew how to put on a show. One thing she knew intuitively: you can be wrong 1000 times a day and people will still read you, but you can never be boring. People were so afraid of getting it wrong, that they had grown very safe.This is entertainment you’re covering! It’s a place for contrarian points of view, and when people feel the trades are missing a part of the story, which is pretty much on everything. I become the place people can come and talk. FEED: Deadline Hollywood showed up briefly as an alternative.

SAY WHAT YOU MEAN In the shadowy world of Hollywood, Rushfield is creating a

dialogue for the industry

FEED: How important is it to establish that sense of community?

RR: That’s how I started to write, referring to ‘we’ as members of a community. But we made a point to never put on job titles.We’re not going to say Disney CEO, Bob Iger. It’s just Bob Iger – or Bob – I assume my readers don’t need to be spoon fed.


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