Pro Moviemaker Sept/Oct 2020 - Newsletter


Some manufacturers use Dual Native ISO sensors where, by using two different circuits, a single sensor can have its ‘base’ ISO at two different levels. The lower ‘base’ is used at lower ISO settings, then as the gain creeps up, the second higher ‘base’ setting comes in. Canon’s Dual Gain Output (DGO) sensor is totally different as it works at all ISO levels to give a boost in quality at all settings, and is ideal for HDR. Each pixel on the sensor is read out with two different amplification levels – one high for control of noise in darker parts of the scene, and one low for better saturation and detail in brighter areas. These signals are then electronically combined to make a single image. The result is a very high dynamic range of up to 16+ stops on both the cameras that use the DGO technology, the EOS C300 Mark III and the EOS C70. HOWTHE DUAL GAIN OUTPUT SENSORWORKS



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