FEED issue 22


INTELLIGENT We stand on the cusp of an AI revolution. But whose side will the winners be on?

igital technologies are giving us the ability to realise what was once considered science fiction. From virtual assistants on our

The potential of AI to transform the way news organisations source, edit and distribute content is huge. AI can create new efficiencies, reduce inconsistencies and add value in as yet unforeseen ways, combining content and personalisation to build a more meaningful and useful news experience for audiences worldwide. But while AI is likely to empower some news organisations to do more with less, it is also likely to challenge the very concept of news itself. What’s certain is that a future without AI is highly improbable, so it is essential that we develop a smart approach to the technology from the very beginning – starting with ethics. AI tools can be powerful amplifiers of business strategies and can put a lot of influence

in the hands of a very few people. The rush to develop or adopt the latest AI technologies is accelerating across every touchpoint, from content creation to content consumption, and brings a growing responsibility for both users and vendors to consider their ethical impact. How do we ensure – particularly in a sector like news whose principle worth is as a public service – that the use of AI will be to the benefit of all and will stay true to core journalistic principles and obligations for the public good?

smartphones to automated transactions in financial services, Artificial Intelligence is creating ever-more efficient, effective and powerful solutions – sometimes to problems we didn’t know we had. Last year, a piece by the World Economic Forum on the challenges AI creates for journalism predicted that the AI industry would grow by 50% each year until 2025. This growth will send seismic shifts throughout the media and entertainment industry. PwC reports that AI is set to contribute around $150 billion a year to this industry, with a potential total contribution to the global economy of a staggering $15.7 trillion.

FIGHTING FAKE NEWS If we believe recent research by

Reuters, almost three quarters of media organisations are now looking into how AI can help them create and distribute content more efficiently, through the use

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