Photography News 110 - Web

Photo Treasure Hunt

The Photo Video 24 Treasure Hunt ran for the duration of the event. To enter, readers had to identify and photograph for themselves the five visual clues scattered around the city. The winner was randomly chosen from the correct entries received, and we’re delighted to announce that the winner was Ray McMurray, who has won a £500 MPB voucher. Well done to Ray and thanks to everyone who got involved.

SEE FOR YOURSELF If you’re ever in Cambridge and have a few hours spare, search for these sights and give them a snap!

Best Photo Video 24 Video

Super 24 Challenge


Ihab Salem wins a £500 MPB voucher for his entry. “I’m more motivated than ever to improve my work,” enthuses Ihab. “The event was a great chance to practise and learn. The location and people were all great. I’m still weighing up my options on how I’ll spend my prize, but a Lumix 24-105mm lens is likely.” Judge’s comment: The winner caught not only the beauty of Cambridge but the spirit of the event, with image makers capturing life through their lenses throughout the 24 hours. And the dog on the paddle board enjoying the river was a great, well-captured moment of fun! Adam Duckworth, editor-in-chief, Pro Moviemaker

Rowing Club Challenge

Our thanks go to MPB, sponsors of Photo Video 24. MPB is the world’s biggest dealing platform for pre- owned photo and video kit. Check them out! PN And finally…


PN joined forces with the Cambridge Rowing Experience to provide readers a Sunday morning shooting challenge. Cambridge Rowing Experience runs training sessions for would-be rowers, taking them through the technicalities of the sport, providing some basic training and practice on the river Cam. The challenge for PN readers was to capture aspects of the session, from candids of clients in training and close-up studies of the boats, through to action shots on the river. The winner was Florence Tawns for her picture of a trainer overseeing trainee rowers. She wins two Cambridge Rowing Experience tickets worth £65. Judge’s comment: What we love about this picture is the brilliant choice of a slower shutter speed to blur the foreground rowers while retaining sharpness in the trainer. There’s a real sense of energy in the shot.


From 1pm on 3 June until 11am on 4 June, a new photo challenge was announced using social media – on the hour, every hour. Our winner was Alastair Ray’s well-framed image for the 3pm ‘In the Market’ theme, and he wins a £500 voucher.

Issue 110 | Photography News 15

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