FEED Spring 2021 Web

Jannicke Mikkelsen, FNF VR/XR director & DoP

What do you do? I mainly specialise in films shot underwater, aviation and space. I love working on the cutting edge of technology and constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible to create today. Most of my time is spent sampling the latest technology tech-entrepreneurs have to offer. I bring this back to the film industry for the sole purpose of creating films that were previously considered impossible to shoot. In October 2020, One More Orbit was released. It’s a feature documentary depicting myself and the crew of eight aviators and astronauts on a flight mission that launched from Nasa, Kennedy Space Center. Our mission was to smash the world speed-record in circumnavigating Earth via both the North and South Pole. For this movie, I created a communications system to coordinate all the geosynchronous satellites around the world to track our aircraft orbiting Earth, while traveling at 92.5% of the speed of sound. For the live stream, 55 million viewers tuned in to cheer us forth to the new world record, now standing at 46hr, 40min, 22sec... and 12 milliseconds, but who’s counting…? Who has been a mentor in your career? I’d like to list a few cinematographers who have always been there for me, having shaped both my work and me as a person: y y Philippe Ros, FSC, y y Stuart Harris y y Roberto Schaefer, ASC y y Suki Medencevic, ASC y y James Neihouse, ASC y y Nancy Schreiber, ASC y y Sharon Calahan, ASC And although the next names are not recognised as cinematographers, they are all exceptional photographers and have greatly influenced the future of our visual language. They have supported me in all my crazy ventures and egged me on to pursue even bigger dreams in life. They are: y y Dr Brian May, CBE – Queen guitarist. y y Sir David Attenborough – wildlife filmmaker. y y Dr Buzz Aldrin – second man on the Moon. y y Col Terry Virts – Nasa astronaut. y y Nina Kellgren, SBC y y Brian Tufano, BSC y y Rolv Håan, FNF y y John Christian Rosenlund, FNF y y Paul Rene Roestad, FNF y y Angus Hudson, BSC

What did they teach you? That if you can dream it, you can build it. Every one of my close mentors opened my eyes to what can be possible if you just dare to put your mind to it. No matter what you do, you must pursue it with 100% of your being. You can’t pursue anything at just 75%. What also amazes me with my mentors is how they have all managed to find like-minded people to develop an all-star team, working together to make the impossible, possible. There is a unique magic when we work together to break down the barriers of what we previously thought impossible. It is a feeling of the universe aligning, even after all your failures and battles. I believe this is why being a filmmaker is so incredibly addictive. This work is all-consuming. You need to look after your mind, body and soul. At times, work drains me until I have nothing left to give and am reduced to an emotional lump on the floor. I take at least two hours out of every day to work my body and make sure I am in the best physical fitness I can be. This is important, as I can take on everyday challenges and also pass my physical endurance tests to What things have you learned that you would most like to pass on? qualify for work missions. Don’t forget your mental wellbeing, either. Meditation never worked for me, but I play the piano. Find your passion in life before you find your job. This work is not nine-to-five. You have to live, sleep, breathe, eat what you do. Who would you like to mentor? Did someone tell you that you weren’t worthy of becoming who you want to become? I want to mentor you. I want to mentor the person willing to leave all that behind and embark on a journey where anything is possible, as long as you work methodically to achieve a goal. I want to mentor people with a story to tell. These stories shape us as humans and inspire the new generation to come. NO MATTERWHATYOUDO, YOU MUST PURSUE IT WITH 100% OF YOUR BEING


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