Cambridge Education Guide Autumn/Winter 23 Web


“When it comes to preparing for life at university or in the workplace, schools are making pupils real-world-ready”

their ideas could well end up in limbo, never seeing the light of day. That’s why schools are starting to think about how best to ensure public speaking and debating are embedded in daily life, to develop this crucial skill and boost pupils’ future employability. They’re also ensuring students are exposed to big thinkers and inspirational top talents, bringing in a steady stream of outside speakers who have achieved success and recognition in a range of fields, encouraging pupils to interact, learn to network and get practical advice on securing work experience, summer jobs and, ultimately, full-time employment. Lessons pupils absorb out of the classroom can be hugely beneficial, particularly where they are taking on mentoring and leadership roles, or simply interacting with people from different areas of life, equipping them with practical skills in building bridges and problem solving. It’s all about innovation and challenge – but undertaken in a way that is supportive and plays to pupils’ strengths. Personal development programmes are carefully designed to boost students’ self-confidence, leadership skills and interests, granting skills that will benefit


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