Cambridge Education Guide Autumn/Winter 23 Web


being unduly influenced by friends and family – and to remember that one size doesn’t fit all. There’s no guarantee a school that has worked for one person will be perfect for another. For many pupils, a key decision is whether to stay with the school that has known you since year 7 or to opt for somewhere new. And how do you decide whether staying or going is better?

Visiting schools and colleges, ideally several times if possible, is a must – even for students who feel absolutely sure they know where they’re headed in year 12. Yes, set-piece open events can give you an overview, but touring on a normal day is likely to give an authentic experience that will tell you what a place is really like. In addition to thinking about the basics, starting with the subjects the

Schools’ advice to students is to think about their motivation. If they’ve had a good experience all the way through to the end of GCSEs, is a move really in their best interests? Particularly given the fact that however good the new school or college is, it still won’t have the same in-depth knowledge of what makes that student tick – at least at the start – as their previous establishment will.


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