Cambridge Edition December 2021 - Web



Following an unprecedented year, Cambridge Junction is back to bring you its latest festive treat; Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen , as you’ve never seen it before. Action, adventure, live music and festive magic combine to make for a truly memorable outing, complete with a sprinkling of snow… Having produced the show in a brand-new format last year ( The Snow Queen became a digital movie in lieu of an in-person performance), the New International Encounter team are once again performing the tale – this time for a live audience. “Although we enjoyed trying out something different, we didn’t really have enough scope with the digital version,” says Alex Byrne, artistic director of the production. “With the live show, we can portray a lot more of where the story starts and where it ends. Anyone who saw the digital version may recognise some parts, but for sure, they should still come and see it live! It’s a different kind of magic.” The classic story is given a new lease of life in the stage production, and makes for an involving experience, packed with joy, live music and a sense of fun. “It’s a lovely family fairy tale,” Alex explains. “It’s full of fantastic storytelling, imagination and fantasy – with a really great, plucky heroine.” This expanded version of the original production has a sort of dreamy quality to it, allowing the audience to invent their own interpretations of the plot, thanks to its funny, touching, almost folky feel. It offers an alternative to the traditional brashness of panto, but still promises to be a blast. “There’s a real sense of excitement welcoming people back to the Junction,” Alex adds. “It’s great to see everyone coming out and supporting live performance at their local venues, so we can create something really imaginative together.” All in all, there’s never been a more inviting time to get out and about and enjoy a show, agrees Matt Burman, artistic director at Cambridge Junction. “We’re so happy to be able to share with you, at last, our fantastic new adaptation of The Snow Queen, ” he enthuses. “Last Christmas we made the best of a difficult time to co- produce a beautiful film. It introduced audiences to a magical world, imagined by our excellent friends at New International Encounter. This Christmas, we will complete that tale and bring it to life before your very eyes! The Snow Queen promises to be the perfect show to share with our friends and families... something really special and perfectly seasonal, full of adventurous children, reindeer, crows, bandits, magic, music, laughter and epic storytelling.” Book your tickets for The Snow Queen through the Cambridge Junction website. The show will be running from 8 December until 3 January, 8 Dec - 3 Jan

32 DECEMBER 2021

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