FEED Spring 2021 Newsletter

FEED: The past year has challenged the media industry, with firms forced to find new ways of doing business. What insights can you give about how to pivot in these difficult times?

EDDIE O’CONNOR: First, don’t just react without thinking! Please fight that urge. It is the human thing, but I’ve built my career on helping people to avoid automatically reacting to their thoughts and feelings. In a time of crisis, anxious thoughts and the urge to protect ourselves and avoid pain are where most of our problems will show up. The faster you go, the more you will feel your fight-or-flight response kick in, so you have to stop.You have to be mindful.You have to get into the present moment, observe yourself and see what’s going on. Are these thoughts going to help me, or hurt me?The second part is, how do I want to respond? Is now the time to buckle down and have faith that this will pass? Or is it time to shift and pivot? Learn to not trust your anxiety. It’s there only to warn you of danger – it’s not there to tell you how to get out of it, or how to be your best. It’s a slanted view.


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