FEED Spring 2021 Newsletter

Using Sony’s cloud-based collaboration technology, Reuters is realising its vision of a united, global newsroom

euters is one of the world’s biggest and oldest news agencies. As a global news source, the agency can’t afford a day off or factor slow news days into its output. Somewhere in the world, there’s always breaking news that needs to be gathered, produced, fact-checked and made available globally through text, photo, graphics and video. Rob Lang is the global production editor, Reuters video news. He oversees all the production systems, including cameras and workflow. “My job is to figure out how to distribute camera shots taken by journalists to the client,” he says. The job sounds simple until you realise that, each day, the agency’s video department produces about 200 separate stories for several thousand clients operating on every platform, from broadcast news to digital to social media. Reuters also shares direct-to-consumer content through its own apps and outlets. Until recently, Reuters operated using editing systems that differed from bureau to bureau. However, the agency soon began

ROB LANG Global production editor, Reuters video news


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