Cambridge Edition February 2021 - Web



hile the pandemic is taking centre stage again at the start of this year, we mustn’t allow ourselves

to reduce our efforts to tackle climate change. One way you can improve how you impact the environment is through your home and how it uses renewable, environmentally-friendly materials. ENERGY: One key factor to consider before buying your new home is to look at its energy performance certificate (EPC). This certificate is required by law and may include suggested improvements on how to make your property more environmentally friendly. From low energy lightbulbs to loft insulation, the equipment we use in our homes is now more energy efficient than ever before. HEAT: The way you heat your property is also important. Gas, oil and electric heating systems vary in their level of sustainability. Electric heaters rank best, but they are not installed as much as gas systems. Gas central heating is the most common way homes are heated, while oil heating systems release the most environmentally harmful emissions. Housing developers are beginning to look for alternative methods, so look out for air source or ground source heating pumps. Both heat pump units are situated outside the home and convert air or heat from the ground into heat for

your home. These alternatives may not be the most cost-effective as they use fairly new technology, but they do offer an opportunity to move away from using the planet’s precious natural resources. INSULATION: Cavity walls can be a sign that your home will be more cost effective. More efficient in heating your home than solid brick walls, cavity walls keep the cold outside and your warm interior separate. From the 1970s cavity walls began to get filled with insulation, and from 1990 every new build was required by law to have insulation. Installing insulation in your home’s walls and loft is a great way to save money on heating, but also helps you future proof your home and be more sustainable. SOLAR PANELS: The UK’s use of solar panels is increasing: in 2019, the UK’s total solar capacity stood at 13,284.3 megawatts, which spans more than a million installations of solar panels nationwide. Photovoltaic panels and solar panels are one of the most common ways homeowners and property developers boost the sustainability of homes. FINANCIAL HELP: Many of the sustainable home improvement options

that are listed here are available for you to acquire through the Green Homes Grant. Homeowners can apply for a grant of up to £10,000 towards the cost of making your home more energy efficient. Alternatively, you can apply to receive a loan through The Green Deal to help make energy-saving improvements if you cannot afford them initially. FUTURE PROOFING: Looking ahead, residential property developers are now exploring how to best future- proof properties. Eliminating the use of fossil fuels is high up on the agenda, including installing electric car charging points on your property and using sustainable energy sources, as well as looking for ways to heat homes in more environmentally friendly ways. In the 2019 Spring Statement, the UK government made a commitment to introduce a Future Homes Standard that will finally come into force this year. It aims to ensure low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency in all new-build homes. From new builds to existing properties, find out more information on how to boost your home’s sustainability at

IMAGES Andrew Tucker, partner and residential salesperson at Bidwells


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