SAFE USE Digital Azul backs media literacy to help people understand how content and advertising reach them
» The best solutions give viewers real control over their experience, while letting technology do the heavy lifting behind the scenes «
less like an annoying interruption and more like a reasonable extension of the viewing experience.” However, in its enthusiasm to embrace new technology, the media industry must not forget the most important person: the viewer. “Perhaps the main misconception is that personalisation is just a data arms race,” admits Zachman. “In reality, it’s an empowerment tool. The best solutions give viewers real control over their experience, while allowing technology to do the heavy lifting behind the scenes. Overload them with clumsy AI guesses, and they’ll tune out.” He concludes: “Everyone wins when audiences feel like the overall experience is theirs to shape, and not a forced feed of content. Data might be the new currency, but it’s how you spend it that ultimately determines your success.”
advertising works and how media is produced and financed. It’s about creating media literacy in society. “On a more practical level, users need to be savvy about their data privacy settings and regularly review their online permissions.” Whatever the hurdles, the dictates of economics and efficiency mean that personalised advertising, like personalised content, is here to stay. “Typically, a targeted digital CPM is worth three to five times more than a linear broadcast equivalent, although the actual ratio varies a lot, sometimes depending on the amount
of user targeting metadata available,” explains Karra. Personalisation is transforming advertising from a spray-and-pray model into a precision instrument, believes Cory Zachman, SVP of engineering and services at Mediakind. “Dynamic ad insertion technology is enabling broadcasters to tailor ad experiences in real time, meaning every ad and sponsorship placement can be matched with audiences who actually care. The impact of integrating ads into personalised content itself could be even greater, making advertising feel
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