A ny active member of the usual Gregorian calendar. For those in broadcast, that usually makes April a significant date for the diary, with the return of NAB Show. Easily America’s most significant event for the broadcast community, it convenes decision-makers from around the globe – offering valuable insights, cutting-edge tools and lots of innovative technology that enables storytelling at scale. As proud and long-term media partners of the show, FEED is here with our annual guide to tell you everything you need to know about this year’s event, taking place from 5 to 9 April. What’s new? the media-tech industry tends to find their year divided up by key trade show events rather than No two NAB Shows are the same, and each year the event’s organisers introduce new elements to enhance both visitor and exhibitor experience. Here’s what’s new for 2025: n Sports Summit A two-day event that will explore trends, tech and opportunities transforming the fan experience, remodelling the business with new licensing opportunities and redefining the media rights landscape. n Expanded Creator Lab The Creator Lab is back and bigger than ever. It serves as a dedicated marketplace for all brands, creators and influencers to learn and conduct business on the show floor in this evolving media universe. personalising viewer experiences and increasing revenue opportunities, AI technologies will be a key presence on the show floor and in dedicated tracks for all leaders. n Techconnect conference A technology education conference targeting public media professionals, Techconnect takes place on 4 April at the Las Vegas Convention Center. n Artificial intelligence From enhancing storytelling to
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