FEED Autumn 2021 Newsletter

flight cases), that can be tapped into when needed. This is a truly distributed production, which broadcasters will develop over time, and enables any combination of models to be used when needed.

STRATEGIC OPTION Making the choice of moving to IP is no quick decision. When deciding, broadcasters must think strategically, especially about where they should invest – as well as having an operational mindset when making the choice. Key areas to consider include: y y Business imperatives – cost model, business continuity and choice. y y Production needs – location of staff, cost, production value. y y Technical considerations: latency, bandwidth, processing capacity, reliability and security. The evolution towards distributed production underlines the importance of decision-making. The right partner for each project is vital. As well as the best products, Sony and Nevion have expertise and experience, built on the delivery of hundreds of IP projects across the world. Learn all of this and more from Sony’s white paper, “The Future of Live”. To download it and make the best of IP, go to pro.sony/remoteanddistributed .


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