FEED Autumn 2021 Newsletter

IF YOU TRY TO HIDE ALL OF YOUR DATA IN ONE SINGLE PLACE, EVEN IF YOU HAVE VERY CAPABLE CYBERSECURITY COUNTERMEASURES, YOU ARE IN A MUCH RISKIER POSITION make data secure, but it has to be built in, not bolted on.” The world of distributed production and cloud- based systems means there are many potential open windows for a business to be raided by cyber- villains. But, counter-intuitively notes Bonfiglio, data spread out over a wide area can mean greater safety for the business. “If you try to hide all of your data in one single place, even if you have very capable cybersecurity countermeasures, you are in a much riskier position than if you distribute your data... when things are spread out, the attack surface is bigger, but the density of the attacks will be smaller. “I see many governments still not understanding this. They are trying to build big national data centres, where they want to collect all the public data and it’s like Fort Knox. It can be as strong as you want, but it’s still all in one place and everyone knows where it is.”


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