Cambridge Education Guide Spring/Summer 24 Web


Open days Our next open mornings will be held on 14 March and 9 May 2024 . To attend, contact our registrar Mrs Maria Mosher on 01223 353652 or tools, knowledge and understanding, but aim to give them more. Our Flexible Learning programme features child-led independent learning, play-based learning in the Pre-Prep, creative and critical thinking, executive functions, digitally enhanced learning, philosophy, compassion and loving kindness – plus outdoor learning, which benefits from the addition of a landscaped forest garden. An Enrichment programme has been implemented with the school’s nine- to 13-year-olds, exploring the development of sustainability projects as well as cross- curricular work and giving space to My Mind (incorporating mindfulness, study skills, tai chi, PSHEE and philosophy as a foundation for critical thinking skills, self-

management of learning and management of self). The aim is to foster a child’s ability to possess their own learning, engage their innate curiosity and creativity, and encourage them to connect with their feelings about themselves and the world. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE From this strong foundation – despite being non-selective at our main 4+ intake – our pupils go on to achieve at the highest levels. This is confirmed by the results of our previous ISI Inspection Report, where the quality of pupils’ academic achievements and personal development were graded as ‘Excellent’. Our exam results are outstanding and, on average, nearly half of our leavers end up gaining

scholarships to the strongest schools each academic year. FIND OUT MORE Visit our school and get to know us during a normal day on an open morning or individually arranged tour. It is important to us that you should have an opportunity to see the school in action, tour each of the school’s sites (usually with the children) and experience its atmosphere, as well as meet us to discuss the school’s educational approach and ask any questions. To find out more and arrange your visit, or book a place on one of our open mornings on 14 March and 9 May, please contact the registrar Mrs Maria Mosher (01223 353652 or


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