FEED Issue 16


creating the show and the host has nurtured the audience and given them a compelling reason to listen, and you want to maintain that trusted voice. So you can still do dynamic server-side ad insertion, but have the host read those mid-rolls or pre-rolls, so that experience for the end user is still fluid and not intrusive.” Maintaining that uniformity of style may be particularly important in an auditory medium, where something we might sit through while watching video could very easily grate on our ears. “Especially for niche podcasts,” he adds, “you want to

make sure the advertising your end user is getting meshes with the messaging of your programme and it’s not intrusive. When you’re editing podcasts for mid-roll insertion, work on those transitions to really insure that the ad break is fluid, organic and part of the episode itself, so you’re not turning off your listener.” In the future, Martinez sees a continuing convergence of cross-posting to other platforms, with particular innovation in advertising. “We’re seeing the ad format itself evolving. You might see more ads with calls to action, you might have to

interact with the ad or speak to your phone to dismiss it or get more information. The evolution of the ad format is something we’re definitely seeing,” he says. We may not have hit full podcast saturation point yet, but Martinez notes it is harder to break through now with a podcast than it was a few years ago. “It is becoming harder to differentiate yourself and launch a new podcast, but it is cool seeing the podcast explosion happen,” he concludes. “We have more content than ever and in so many niches. But it is harder now to gain that audience share.”

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