FEED Issue 16


DUNCANBEATTIE,CHIEFPRODUCT OFFICER,GBLABS Duncan Beattie is chief product officer for GB Labs, a shared media storage technology company headquartered in the UK. Beattie has been with GB Labs for eight years and was instrumental in the development of the company’s HyperSpace SSD acceleration unit and important customer wins.

JAICAVE,HEADOFOPERATIONS, ENVYPOST Jai Cave is responsible for all of Envy’s day-to-day operations and directly manages a team of department heads throughout the facility. He is involved in all aspects of the business, from client liaison through to workflow design, system implementation, business strategy and staff management.

MEIRLEHRER,VP,VSPPPORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT,MEDIAKINDGLOBAL Meir Lehrer is a member of the MediaKind Portfolio Management Team. He has worked in the TV industry for nearly 25 years, with expertise covering all aspects of the video ecosystem, including middleware, cloud DVR, CAS/DRM and compression. Lehrer is responsible for strategic planning and market development of MediaKind’s Pictor solutions.

MARCRISBY,BOXERSYSTEMS Mark Risby is Group CTO at Boxer Systems, a major technology integrator and digital solutions provider for the moving image industry. Risby has worked in the broadcast and post- production market for over 25 years, specialising in linking the worlds of traditional video and data.

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