Photography News 101 - Newsletter

Sunday 18 September 10:30-11:00 The craft of composition 11:05-11:35 Photography fundamentals: Understanding the exposure triangle

16:00-16:40 Inspiring the young photographer Tuesday 20 September 10:30-11:10 The psychology of portrait photography – the unspoken effect of our everyday work 11:30-12:10 Riding out the storm 12:30-13:10 How to become a greener photographer 14:00-14:40 Boost your wedding revenue through print 15:00-15:40 H arness the power of reels to get bookings 16:00-16:40 People photography in action

13:15-14:30 The extraordinary power of creativity applied 15:30-16:45 A state of imagination Sunday 18 September 13:15-14:30 Enoughness 15:30-16:45 Tackling the climate crisis with creativity Monday 19 September 13:15-14:30 Breaking out of average into greatness 15:30-16:45 The secrets to capturing the best dog photos ever Tuesday 20 September 13:15-14:30 Christina Ebenezer: In conversation with Caleb Femi

11:15-11:45 The realities of going pro 11:45-12:15 Gaining customers – editing a killer portfolio that lands Sunday 18 September 10:10-10:40 The A-Z of starting a photography business 10:40-11:10 M oney mindset – making a full time income from your side hustle! 11:15-11:45 The realities of going pro 11:45-12:15 Gaining customers – editing a killer portfolio that lands

11:45-12:15 Choosing your first camera 12:20-12:50 Getting started with editing

 PRO LOUNGE LIVE Saturday 17 September 16:00-17:00 Pro happy hour Sunday 18 September

 PHOTO LIVE Saturday 17 September 10:30-10:45 Long exposure stacking

 VIDEO BEGINNER’S MASTERCLASS Saturday 17 September 14:00-14:30 A n intro to video 14:35-15:05 Essential kit for simple storytelling 15:15-15:45 The importance of audio 15:50-16:20 Editing your first video Sunday 18 September 14:00-14:30 A n intro to video 14:35-15:05 Essential kit for simple storytelling

16:00-17:00 Pro happy hour Monday 19 September 11:00-12:00 From personal to professional 12:00-13:00 Pro masterclass participants’ networking (by invitation only) 14:00-15:00 C opyright: What you need to know to protect your business 15:00-16:00 Wedding Album of the Year: Winners’ presentation & networking (by invitation only) Tuesday 20 September 12:00-13:00 Pro masterclass participants’ networking (by invitation only) 13:00-14:00 G etting back on track: Finding and keeping clients 14:00-15:00 H ow to market to your ideal client and supercharge your business  PRO MASTERCLASS Monday 19 September 10:10-10:15 Introduction: Evaluating your business to make more money 10:15-10:45 What’s your rate? 10:45-11:15 How can you earn more? 11:15-11:45 Getting more business with feel-good funnels 11:45-12:10 Keeping hold of your dough 12:15-13:00 Networking session Tuesday 20 September 10:10-10:15 Introduction: Happiness and creativity in your imaging business 10:15-10:45 Banishing imposter syndrome 10:45-11:15 W orking more efficiently – productivity, procrastination and motivation 11:15-11:45 To diversify or not to diversify, that is the question 11:50-12:15 A iming high and getting published 11:50-12:15 Short-form vs long-form video – which should you be doing? 12:15-13:00 Networking session

 THE STUDIO Saturday 17 September

11:00-11:30 How to light your food for mouthwatering results 12:00-12:30 Capturing creative movement in portraiture 13:00-13:30 Create amazing fashion portraits with LED lighting 15:00-15:30 G o-to lighting to give you confidence 16:00-16:30 Painterly children’s portraiture Sunday 18 September 10:30-10:45 Multi exposure compositing 11:00-11:30 Creative post-processing techniques for everyone 12:00-12:30 Studio portraits anywhere 13:00-13:30 Character portraits – bring a set to life with light 14:00-14:30 Colour liquid illumination 15:00-15:30 He Shoots, he draws – live! 16:00-16:30 Creating beautiful portraits with LED lighting Monday 19 September 11:00-11:30 Showcasing the style of beauty photography 12:00-12:30 Don’t forget the parents: Capturing connections with confidence 14:00-14:30 Lighting techniques for maternity photography 15:00-15:30 M astering light at weddings: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst 16:00-16:30 One light portraits – mastering shadow and light Tuesday 20 September 11:00-11:30 One light madness! 12:00-12:30 Portable lighting for wedding photography 13:00-13:30 Perfect pet portraiture 14:00-14:30 Food stories – the inside scoop 15:00-15:30 H ow to shoot amazing couple portraits in five minutes (in absolutely any situation)  PHOTOGRAPHY BEGINNER’S MASTERCLASS Saturday 17 September 10:30-11:10 The craft of composition 11:05-11:35 Photography fundamentals: Understanding the exposure triangle

11:00-11:40 The process of a music video 12:00-12:40 Family film – shaken not blurred 14:00-14:40 V ideo is only half the story – audio for the win 15:00-15:40 Stills to video: Simplifying the transition 16:00-16:40 Back it up! Sunday 18 September 11:00-11:40 The business of video 12:00-12:40 Reframe 360 video for social media on your phone 13:00-13:40 Why use prime cinema lenses instead of photography lenses? 15:00-15:40 A dding moving-image to your stills business 16:00-16:40 BTS on a story-based commercial project Monday 19 September 11:00-11:40 H ow to navigate short-form video as a photographer 12:00-12:40 CEO Secrets: Shooting a BBC business series on mobile 14:00-14:40 V ideo for photographers: Fundamentals to promote your business 15:00-15:40 A udio the professional way – mixers and recorders for killer audio 16:00-16:40 The adaptable videographer Tuesday 20 September 11:00-11:40 The evolution of short movies, and all you need to know about the Sony Future Filmmaker Awards 12:00-12:40 The business of video 13:00-13:40 Storage workflows for pros 14:00-14:40 G iving your clients something different – upping your video game to increase sales 15:00-15:40 Transforming analogue into moving image  TURNING PRO MASTERCLASS Saturday 17 September 10:10-10:40 The A-Z of starting a photography business 10:40-11:10 M oney mindset – making a full-time income from your side hustle!

15:15-15:45 The importance of audio 15:50-16:20 Editing your first video

 VIDEO HUB Saturday 17 September 11:30-12:00 Using the new Godox KnowLED LEDs for filmmaking 13:30-14:00 And action! 14:30-15:00 Time is money: Getting into time-lapse Sunday 18 September 11:30-12:00 Rigging up – essential additions to boost video 13:30-14:00 H ow to get started with FPV 14:30-15:00 U nleashing your creativity with the Godox RGB TL Tube series 15:30-16:00 Inside the London Pride campaign Monday 19 September 11:30-12:00 Audio: A viewfinder for your ears 12:30-13:00 Time is money: Getting into time-lapse 13:30-14:00 Fashion films with one camera and one lens: Learn the next step in brand storytelling 14:30-15:00 Imaging above everything 15:30-16:00 Moving image, AI and new media: Multidisciplinary brand storytelling Tuesday 20 September 11:30-12:00 The benefits of Atomos off-camera monitoring 12:30-13:00 Creating content for the ever-changing digital content landscape 13:30-14:00 Long-term time-lapse 14:30-15:00 M oving images: Filming with gimbals

11:45-12:15 Choosing your first camera 12:20-12:50 Getting started with editing

 SUPER STAGE Saturday 17 September

Every effort has been made by the publishers to ensure that information contained regarding The Photography Show 2022, including session times, is correct at time of going to press. However, Bright Publishing Ltd, The Photography Show and the exhibitors and advertisers included herein cannot accept responsibility for any loss, inaccuracy or omission resulting from the publishing of any information regarding The Photography Show 2022 in this publication

Issue 101 | Photography News 33

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