Photography News 101 - Newsletter

Reader shoot Photo 24: the winners

The Photography News Photo 24 event, sponsored by MPB, took place earlier this summer in London on 25 and 26 June. As an extra incentive for attendees, we had a photo contest for pictures taken during the event

have their own 24-hour photo experience. For this, we also had three £500 vouchers awarded to the best images submitted. Thanks to everyone who took part in Photo 24, both in person or online.

with three categories – and the winner of each receiving a £500 MPB voucher. On the same day, we also ran the Super 24 Challenge, an hourly photo competition that anyone, anywhere could get involved in and

Best open winner: David Jenner

Congratulations to Will and the hard-working Photography News team for hosting this brilliant event. My thanks to all the great folk at MPB who were outstanding sponsors. I look forward to doing it all again next year!” David Jenner

TUNNEL OF COLOUR Nikon D850 with a 20mm f/1.8 prime lens. Exposure 1/250sec at f/1.8 and ISO 1600

after 10pm, in the hope of having the tunnel to myself. As it happened, there was one other person diligently keeping the walkway clean. It turned out that he proved to be the ideal focal point for my composition. “Knowing I needed a quick shutter speed, I opened up the aperture to f/1.8 and set ISO 1600, allowing me to use 1/250sec on my Nikon D850. All I needed to do was wait until my subject was in the perfect place. The lead-in lines created by the vivid light panels are a visual sensation and reminded me of those psychedelic album covers from the seventies.”

Two of the categories covered key London subjects, but there is so much more for a photographer’s lens to feast on, either with subject matter choice or a fresh technical approach. Basically, anything goes in the open category. It could be a zoom burst, night scene, shot of a stairwell or creative montage – provided all image elements were taken during Photo 24. Essentially, your imagination can run wild with this subject, and we certainly saw a diverse selection of images. Winner David Jenner comments: “I arrived at Adams Plaza Bridge in Canary Wharf just

14 Photography News | Issue 101

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