Cambridge Edition December 2019


IMAGES Above, the grounds at Murray Edwards College; Right, Models Triptych 1982-83 by Rose Garrard

and research with a wider public,” she explains. Current show Creative Connections, Portraits of Women Scientists and Artists from photographer Anne Katrin-Purkiss, running until March 2020, is doing just that – supporting a cross-disciplinary approach to presenting art. “This show is exploring the artist’s studio as a laboratory. All their work is based on experimentation, imagination and curiosity,” says Harriet. After that is a collaboration planned with Kettle’s Yard for Spring 2020, plus talks and workshops, the programme centring around landmark events, throughout the year – all with the collection at the heart. “This is the piece I normally end tours with,” she stops at Rose Garrard’s Models Triptych , mounted next to a curving stairwell, a cross-disciplinary piece depicting three historical female artists, fusing painting with installation. “I love this piece. It’s a brilliant symbol of what the collection represents, in that behind this work you can see the bricks and mortar of the building – we are the support structure for artists over history and now.” A piece reflective of New Hall Art Collection’s work as a vital champion for gender equality throughout the art world – that anyone can access. “I see the Collection as being really important in giving women a voice, a platform, and an academic context for their work,” says Harriet. “Come and visit!” Visitors are welcome to ask for a self-guided tour of the New Hall Art Collection from the Porters Lodge at Murray Edwards College, 10am-6pm daily.

“We are the support structure for artists over history and now”


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