Cambridge Edition July 2021 - Web


King’s Ely has also been expanding its commitment to time in the outdoors, welcoming a new forest school instructor to help pupils interact with, and learn about, the natural world. The benefits are already making themselves known, says head of Junior School, Richard Whymark, citing an increased enthusiasm for outdoor learning and environmentalism in the student body. “This has been a timely coincidence – lockdown ended and opportunities to enjoy the fabulous environment of our locality combined to help the children regain a sense of liberty,” he says. “After a couple of months, the activities and refreshing way of learning are firm favourites and set to remain on the menu of activities on offer at King’s Ely Junior.” All the schools we spoke to agreed that outdoor learning had wide-ranging benefits, developing characteristics like resilience, curiosity and creativity, as well as acting as a leveller which allows all students to achieve and flourish. It’s no wonder that more and more teachers are looking to incorporate outdoor learning into their time with kids. If you’re wondering where to start, Harriet from King’s Ely recommends seeking IMAGES Gresham’s (above) and Steiner (below right) believe in the transformative power of outdoor learning to build positive characteristics like resilience

out the official forest school training to learn the practical skills and theoretical knowledge, getting the necessary paperwork to deliver an effective programme. “Having the dedicated time to complete the training has been essential in developing my knowledge and understanding of the forest school’s principles, and how to put them into practice,” she explains.

For a more informal outdoor learning experience, perhaps at home, Steiner believes the key is to inspire an interest in nature. “All that is needed is creating the right conditions and good safety habits, then gently encouraging children’s curiosity,” assures Rebecca. “They do the rest themselves through enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, move and have fun.”


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