LIVE Jan/Feb 2025 – Newsletter



who gave us context about locations all across Europe. A lot of what had been communities and spaces before the war started to look totally different today. It was a huge honour to help locate spaces that were meaningful to Manfred and Susan for the VR experience.” BRINGING PAST TO PRESENT Infinite Form spoke with historians throughout Europe and filmed across five different countries. “There were lots of supporting documents and location permits in German, Latvian, Hungarian and Polish. I translated these into English to fill out and comply with, before then translating it back into the original language,” says Lockington. “There was a lot of that back and forth due to the multilingual communication required. Since we’d pinpointed exactly where our filming locations were, it was very much the pre-production, where you’re doing all the logistics, shot and kit lists and the prep work before starting filming. There were several additional

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