FEED Winter 2020/21 Newsletter

According to Riot Games’ lead producer for Worlds 2020, Adam Mackasek, the team had to build, animate and render substantially more animation than in 2018. They also had to drastically increase the camera coverage, from three AR- enabled cameras in 2018 to 12 this year. All cameras were installed with Stype camera-tracking technology.

“The sheer amount of AR in this show, and the amount of associated camera tracking and coverage, presented a tremendous challenge for us. It was one that we 100% opted into and created for ourselves,” says Mackasek.

worked around the clock to make it happen,” he added. K/DA’s performance was followed by a melody of anthems from past Worlds events. Finally, the players were introduced, under the wings of a virtual, towering version of League character Galio. According to creative lead for Worlds 2020, Justin Restaino, this year ’s concert plans changed several times “because of all the unknown factors”. However, the presence of fans in the stadium made it feel more like a regular tournament, as a socially distanced audience of 6,000 watched South Korea’s Damwon Gaming win in the final.

TOP OF THE K-POPS The opening ceremony hosted some

of K-pop’s most popular AR acts, such as K/DA

“Getting more than a dozen cameras to track in-sync is a herculean task and our teams



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