Cambridge Edition December 2023 - Web


HELP YOUR HOSPITAL Support those impacted by cancer this season by donating to Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust A t Addenbrooke’s Hospital, our dedication to quality patient care, diagnosis and treatment means we

are constantly innovating and improving. Now, as Christmas approaches, we are continuing our mission to keep families together by doing everything we can to stop children losing their parents to cancer. At this time of year for giving, please consider supporting us in our goal. I am Dr Helen Bolton and, as a clinical consultant at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, one part of my job is to tell patients they have cancer – devastating news which can tear families apart. That is why I ask you to consider making a gift, from as little as £5, to help us move towards our goal of making sure no child loses a parent to cancer. Addenbrooke’s is known for innovation in early diagnostics and personal treatment plans that mean patients are surviving diagnoses and living longer. But we must keep moving forward and investing in new equipment, procedures and research. Life-saving developments are happening all the time; by supporting Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust, you can help make care for those touched by cancer even better. Such inspiring progress gives us confidence in our goal. Mother of four Ijeoma, who was treated at Addenbrooke’s after a diagnosis of aggressive breast cancer, recalls: “The care from Addenbrooke’s was excellent, and I got through it thanks to them. You could help this Christmas by making a gift to Addenbrooke’s today. Extra

JOINING IN Ijeoma and her family raising funds for Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust

funds could make the care even better and help other families like ours.” Your donation can make this possible by contributing to a host of improvements, including a new fusion biopsy machine for the renal oncology ward. With just £10, y0u could help Addenbrooke’s lead the way in cancer diagnosis by gaining access to this game-changing equipment. Or you may consider supporting improvements to our wards to make them as comfortable and welcoming for families as possible. A mere £20 could go towards specialist sky ceiling light panels, which resemble daylight to create a relaxing atmosphere that relieves anxiety and promotes recovery. Finally, £30 could go towards equipment like a cancer screening and treatment device,

which allows our surgeons to work with unparalleled precision. I’m proud to work in a place renowned for its clinical excellence in cancer care, but the journey towards improvement and cutting-edge innovation is endless. Christmas day will be like any other for us at the hospital, but your support has the power to transform the way we diagnose, treat and care for families facing cancer. We hope you will join us for the sake of all those touched by cancer this Christmas.

Say thanks and keep families together this Christmas by contributing today. To donate by phone, call 01223 217 757. To give online, go to

HELP OUT Addenbrooke’s surgeon Nadeem Shaida treats tumours using new equipment funded by supporter gifts


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