The latest developments in the world of Cambridge business, innovation, start-ups and networking
Cleantech Venture Day
A pitching and investment day for innovative, climate-positive companies, Cleantech Venture Day 2020 is taking place from 11 to 12 February in London. Hosted by Cambridge Cleantech, the event has been running since 2017 and this year attracted applications from 108 companies across Europe. Among the 24 companies shortlisted to pitch at this year’s event are Oxwash, a new eco laundry and dry cleaning start-up based in Oxford which takes an innovative, sustainable approach to solving your laundry, textile and garment care by minimising waste and detrimental environmental impact where possible. Cambridge-based FocalSun is also seeking to drum up interest with its first lightweight solar rooftop technology, while another Cambridge firm, Flit, will be looking to further commercialise its lightweight e-bikes following a successful launch last year. Also flying the flag for Cambridge
is the team from Zedify, the zero- emissions courier service that now has branches in Norfolk and London – and delivers Cambridge Catalyst magazine! “In the process of paring down the entries, we were delighted with the quality all these investment-ready and innovative companies,” says Martin Garratt, CEO of Cambridge Cleantech. “Everything from wearable technology to zero-carbon accommodation, smart meters, hydropower and solar power will now be presented on 11 and 12 February in London; a wonderful commercial opportunity for investors.”
Everything fromwearable technology to zero-carbon accommodation, smart meters, hydropower and solar power will be presented"
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