Definition August 2024 - Web


SP: As we mentioned previously, AI- based logging will improve end-to- end production workflows. Offloading data from cameras can now be highly automated, as can backing up, archiving and distribution. Def: With the increasing reliance on digital workflows, how are production teams addressing the challenges of data security? JC-S: The challenges of data security are ever-evolving; as the technology changes, so do our requirements for data security. It’s essential that systems are constantly monitored; regular audits, vulnerability scans and penetration tests all aid in identifying vulnerabilities so that they can be remediated before they’re exploited. CIS hardening, end-to-end encryption, access control, MFA and SSOs are all being utilised to ensure data is as secure as possible. The biggest challenge to facilities with this level of security is the constant investment and time that goes into ensuring systems are meeting current standards; it’s a costly yet essential part of what we do. SP: Except digital rights management (DRM), early digital workflows had little built-in security. The arrival of cloud workflows and specialist file-transfer services means every cloud transaction or job is now surrounded by layers of industrial-strength security.

NVMe tiers into our server architecture. As film lab, on-premises storage is vital. It’s not uncommon to be dealing with enormous file sizes – 16-bit 6K 35mm VistaVision scans and 16-bit 12K 65mm scans produce big data, which would be impossible to capture and process without significantly fast storage. Def: Which aspects of the production process are benefiting most from automation, and what are the potential pitfalls? JC-S: We’ve been using automation in post-production for a long time. However, there’s more buzz around it in recent years due to the focus on AI. Automation such as scene cut detection, motion tracking, object removal, metadata management and format conversions all aid in saving us vast amounts of time from tasks that were previously very repetitive processes. In recent years, AI has helped push these more basic levels of automation. AI-assisted content analysis is helping us generate metadata that can be used to massively enhance our workflows; for example, it can remove the need to manually scrub through hours of footage to find the shot you’re looking for. However, relying too much on automation can lead to a loss of creative control. Some of the tasks we’re now removing with automation were the foundations and training for technicians and creatives entering the industry.

Def: What do you believe will be the most transformative innovation in production workflows over the next decade, and why? SP: I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but, inevitably, it will be AI. Every aspect of AI will improve rapidly over the next few years, and its ability to orchestrate workflows will benefit everyone in the production and post- production process. JC-S: I don’t think there’s any doubt that cloud working and AI are going to continue to transform the way we approach workflow. As we move towards utilising AI for streamlining workflows and the adoption of cloud working takes over, our approach to post-production is sure to change. AI’S ABILITY TO orchestrate workflows WILL BENEFIT EVERYONE IN production ”



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