Definition August 2024 - Web


Joshua Callis-Smith CTO, Cinelab Film & Digital

Shaki Prasanna Creative collaboration director, Atomos

Definition: How are advancements in technology changing the landscape of pre- production workflows? Shaki Prasanna: Pre-production is all about planning, people and budgets. Technology brought us spreadsheets and online, shared calendars. Now, we can use AI to optimise timings, keep track of resources and orchestrate filming days, including everything from catering to call sheets. Joshua Callis-Smith: Over the years, there have been some huge advances that have massively benefited pre- production workflows. Remote working has enabled real-time collaboration in a way that wasn’t previously possible. VR is enabling immersive storyboarding and scene planning, allowing creators to experience and adjust scenes in a virtual space before production, and tools such as the Apple Vision Pro will only push this to the next level. New 360° cameras and drones have changed location scouting; we can now stream these

results instantly to the creatives and utilise collaboration tools such as Moxion and for review and feedback. Virtual production has also allowed for the creation of realistic environments in pre-production, helping us to visualise complex scenes and plan for VFX integration ahead of shooting. Def: In what specific areas of production workflows do you see AI making the biggest impact, and how? JC-S: It’s undeniable that the impact of AI over the next ten years is going to be massive, but exactly how we’re going to use it is still being defined. We’re seeing AI tools flood the post-production market, from editing to colour grading. Some of these tools can free up more time for creativity by automating some of the repetitive, time-consuming tasks; while others, such as Sora, are generating content solely from text- based instructions. The post landscape is going to be changed by AI, but it will embrace and adapt to it as it does with

every changing technology. Hopefully, we’ll find a way to utilise it in a way that creates time for more creativity rather than restricting it. SP: Metadata. AI can log content faster and with much more detail. Accurate metadata makes it easier to offload, back up, automate, search and retrieve content. It speeds up editing and post- production and can help deliver to a highly segmented audience. Def: When it comes to managing production workflows, what are the key advantages and disadvantages of cloud-based solutions versus on-premises infrastructure? JC-S: There are many advantages to working in the cloud when it comes to post-production. The ability to scale workstations, storage and data access from anywhere in the world offers unlimited potential, allowing companies to scale to meet demand during busy periods. Large-scale rendering or processing tasks can be handled



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