AI’s biggest impact will likely be in previsualisation and automated asset creation, allowing filmmakers to generate detailed environments and props in minutes instead of weeks. We see it in storyboarding as well. AI storyboards are a faster way for anyone to generate art references, which is crucial and often time-consuming. RC: We’re seeing AI being used across a wide range of applications, such as trackerless performance capture, complex coding requirements within the virtual art department (VAD), integration with Unreal Engine to improve real-time quality. There are also developments for 2D/2.5D plates, creation of digital humans and LED wall set extensions. DEF: HOW IS VP CHANGING THE ROLE OF THE CINEMATOGRAPHER? MC: More cinematographers understand that VP is yet another tool they can use to improve their content creation, enhance their storytelling, optimise costs and, overall, allow for creating better movies. VP should not be an objective, but a tool, and the more the professionals understand the tool and its
possibilities, the better the results. What I mean is that VP doesn’t necessarily replace the way filmmaking is done, but provides additional possibilities for better results. AA: VP requires cinematographers to work more like VFX supervisors in pre- production, blending real and virtual lighting and mastering how the physical camera interacts with the virtual world. Today’s DOPs need fluency in real-time engines and virtual lighting techniques to fully embrace VP’s creative potential. RC: The core responsibilities of the cinematographer remain the same – they’re still in charge of shaping the visual aesthetics of a production, including shot selection, lighting and lens choices. On VP sets, the cinematographer might need to collaborate with a different team than they would on a traditional set. This shift often requires adjustments to workflows and communication. The inclusion of a VP supervisor ensures any knowledge gaps can be addressed across all areas of tech. The VP supervisor’s skills are as much soft as they are deep knowledge - they can speak both the technical and creative
THE INCLUSION OF A VP supervisor ENSURES knowledge gaps CAN BE ADDRESSED” languages, making sure that production runs smoothly. There’s still an ongoing discussion about the responsibility of the light from the LED wall given the technical requirements around colour calibration and matching, to make sure the camera sees what was intended when the virtual ASSOCIATED WITH BIG-BUDGET PRODUCTIONS, BUT IS THAT NOW CHANGING? WHAT DO YOU THINK NEEDS TO HAPPEN TO MAKE IT MORE ACCESSIBLE? MC: It’s true that VP has typically been associated with high-budget Hollywood blockbusters and major broadcast studios, which may be a consequence of its initial implementations, especially when using large LED volumes. On the other side, VP can be done with chroma sets, which are commonly used in a variety of formats – and by content creators of any size. However, recent technological advancements are helping democratise this field, making it accessible to a much wider range of creators, from small studios and independent filmmakers to educational institutions and corporate content creators. Brainstorm, for instance, has implemented a range of cost-effective tools such as InfinitySet Lite and Edison, which can all help reduce the cost and complexity of VP. backdrops were created. DEF: VP IS GENERALLY
SMALL SCALE, BIG VISION VP enables smaller, indie productions to afford to be more ambitious
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