Definition March 2025 - Web

DEFINITION: HOW HAS VIRTUAL PRODUCTION EVOLVED OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS, AND WHAT ARE THE MAIN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS DRIVING THIS? MIGUEL CHURRUCA: Virtual production has been around for decades, but it started to ramp up right before 2020 with the increased adoption of Unreal Engine as the de facto standard real-time render engine for virtual content creation, despite its limitations. Then Covid-19 brought travel restrictions and social distancing, and then content creators turned their heads to VP to keep live events and

Filmmakers, broadcasters and production houses started to integrate virtual content into their workflows. Increased adoption of LED-based XR for VP also made it more appealing for high-end filmmakers and live events, as it allowed virtual content to be created for live audiences without relying on chroma sets and their limitations. ANDREW AMATO: Over the last couple of years, VP has shifted from a relatively experimental tool meant for high-budget projects to a core part of modern stage production.

Miguel Churruca Marketing and communications director, Brainstorm Multimedia

Andrew Amato Business development representative, Disguise

other content requirements alive, which boosted the interest around this tech. Since the technology was mature enough, the interest was maintained once we returned to normality. Advances in real-time rendering and high-resolution LED panels have made VP faster, more accessible and far more photorealistic. As adoption becomes more widespread, more assets can be shared, leading to reduced budgets; which is a win for everyone. ROUND

Rob Chandler Founder, Starting Pixel



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