Definition September 2023 - Newsletter


Both big studios and indie filmmakers need to get clued up about securing their digital assets . Neal Romanek gets the low-down on cyber threats in the industry and how to mitigate them

F ilm studios were once impregnable fortresses, ringed with gates and fences like a border to some foreign land. Those with the right credentials were waved on with a smile – those without were sent packing fast. And for the insiders who fell from grace, getting thrown off the lot was a humiliation akin to banishment. The guards at the front gate are still there, but the studio walls are becoming more symbolic than protective. Today, most of the people who work on a film don’t even work on the lot. Many work from home, a hotel or even an aeroplane tray table. The digitised world means that a studio – and the entire

production process – is spread out over lots of people in various locations over many years. It’s a cybersecurity nightmare.

A GOLDMINE FOR HACKERS Day in, day out, the movie industry is engaged in producing some of the world’s most valuable intellectual property. It’s buzzing with secret gossip that everyone wants to know. And it’s one of the world’s great influencers of global culture. Consequently, it’s a major target for cyberattacks by a wide variety of actors, from content pirates



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