Top Tips
Customise Your Perfect Camera We all have unique approaches to photography and video making. Here’s how you can tailor your X Series camera to meet your needs W hether you’re a proud specs aficionado or simply want fewer
distractions between you and a subject, knowing your camera both inside and out is a must. But don’t worry, there’s a way to make this process effortless, and it’s with X Series customisations. Any X Series body – old or new – can be programmed based on your specific needs. This leads to quicker memorisation of physical controls, places the full gamut of setting adjustments right at your fingertips and even offers single- button access to all the essential menu items. Sounds good? Let’s get into it.
Custom Function Buttons
Sometimes a deep dive into the full menu is needed, but day to day, you can access the essentials with a single press of the Q button. The Quick Menu houses up to 16 customisable slots for different settings. 1. Press and hold the Q button until the menu grid appears. 2. Navigate to any menu item you wish to alter and press MENU OK. 3. Scroll through the list of settings and press MENU OK to select one. 4. Repeat these steps Custom Q Menu
We’re sure you’ll have noticed a few Fn buttons on your X Series camera, as well as touchscreen functions if these are enabled (SET UP > BUTTON/ DIAL SETTING). But did you know, you can modify them all? 1. Press and hold the DISP/BACK button. 2. When the menu appears, scroll down to view all Fn controls. 3. Press MENU OK to change the function of the highlighted slot. 4. Choose a new function from the menu of options. 5. Press MENU OK or DISP/BACK to confirm.
To change the number of slots in the Q Menu, visit the EDIT/SAVE QUICK MENU item (SET UP > BUTTON/DIAL SETTING). You’ll find two options – one for stills and one for video. The appearance of the Q Menu, and the settings it contains, can be unique for each mode. It’s good to include settings you change often in the Q Menu, like AF MODE, FILM SIMULATION and IS MODE. Niche functions are great too, but a well-planned set-up can drastically help the performance of your X Series camera within seconds. There are more kinds of customisation you can apply, though the Fn buttons and Q Menu are a great starting point. Give them a try and see just how much your process changes. The camera will become truly your own.
for any other Q Menu slots, then press DISP/BACK to finish.
We suggest mapping the functions you change most often to Fn buttons. For example, if you never use Auto Exposure Lock but do regularly need a histogram, you can swap one for the other. Functions you use a lot but don’t often change may be wasting a precious slot. You might love Film Simulation modes, but if you change them hourly rather than every few minutes, assigning control to an Fn button won’t save much time overall. Ultimately, these choices are yours.
After set-up, tap the Q button when in shooting mode, highlight a setting with the Focus Lever, then use the Rear Command dial to change its function.
FUJIFILM Focus Magazine 27
August/September 2024
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