22 September: Autumn Equinox Landscape Photography
● Velvia: Adds punch to colours while maintaining balance – perfect for emphasising the range of natural tones on offer in autumn. ● ASTIA: Softens highlights somewhat, taming any harsh contrast in scenes which are photographed under bright sunlight, while maintaining natural tonal reproduction. ● ACROS: A monochrome Film
Simulation with three colour filter mode options, each with a different use in landscape photography. +Ye: Slightly increases contrast, while darkening blue skies. +R: Significantly darkens blue skies and green foliage, for more dramatic rendering of scenes. +G: Increases the tonal range seen in photos with a variety of green foliage colours.
Get out once a week and you’ll end up with a series of photos which beautifully depict the onset of autumn. Best Film Simulations for Landscape Photography ● PROVIA: The default Film Simulation, offering a neutral colour palette that results in lifelike landscapes with lush foliage and deep sky tones.
Considered one of the most attractive times of the year for landscape photography, early autumn sees rich gold and orange tones starting to emerge among the trees, while the weather should often remain pleasantly mild. Hone your imaging skills this September by documenting the effect of changing seasons on your favourite local landscape.
FUJIFILM Focus Magazine 13
August/September 2024
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