Abbeygate Lighting 01394 288240 abbeygatelighting.co.uk Angela Reed 01799 520056 | angelareed.co.uk Farrow & Ball 01202 876141 | farrow-ball.com Granite Transformations 01223 853913 granitetransformations.co.uk Graphenstone Purifying Paints graphenstone.co.uk Henry Rose Interiors 01223 213231 henryroseinteriors.com Knights Country Kitchens 01787 277914 knightscountrykitchens.co.uk Neptune 01223 643535 | neptune.com Roundhouse Design 020 7297 6220 roundhousedesign.com Tomas Kitchen Living 0800 023 6471 tomas-kitchen-living.co.uk Weru Windows UK weru.uk Willis & Stone 01353 361843 | willisandstone.co.uk Yes Colours yescolours.com STOCKISTS
Molly Chandler, designer at Willis & Stone, shares top trends • Countertop cabinets: Sitting directly on the worktop, they offer additional storage, utilising vertical space without the need for more floor area. • Fluted glass elements: This look can add visual interest to the space, creating subtle shadows and highlights to enhance the overall design. • Stone drenching: This refers to the design technique of covering multiple surfaces, such as worktops, backsplashes and flooring, with the same type of stone for a luxurious look. WHAT’S HOT
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