Definition May 2020 WEB


It’s a creative thing, filmmaking. The whole reason people get into it is because they wanted to make some kind of art

worried about the filmmakers who’ve fought their whole lives to not be an accountant or follow the guidance counsellor kind of style of thinking. They all said, ‘I’m going to make movies’ and they risked a lot to make their lives about that. If Quasar Science doesn’t survive this, there are plenty of LEDs out there. But it would be sad if the impact winds up being on the technicians, some of whom are still on-set in their 70s or later, fighting hard to do the art that they always loved. It’s a creative thing, filmmaking. I know it’s got an economy behind it, but it’s a creative thing. The whole reason people get into it is because they wanted to make some kind of art. So, I’m mostly concerned about the technicians, but I want everyone to stay safe and try to keep making art.

in precisely the right spot and attach them to almost anything. For large arrays, the Framed Array fits RR or R2 at six and 12 lights respectively. The Ossium Block brackets form smaller arrays in two- and four-bank configurations. That way, you can use them as 12 separate lights, or you can combine them to get one big panel. DEF: Has coronavirus had an impact on your business? SS: We’re doing our best. We’re a small company and we don’t have a lot of resources that some of the other companies may have. But we’re working from home,

we’re only going into the facility to fulfil once a week, because we are still doing business. So, that’s good news for the overall industry that there is some movement going on out there, but it’s probably 75% less than what we normally see. We’re offering free shipping internationally right now, too. If everybody has to stay home, we’re still trying to help you help us a little bit and help you make content. DEF: Do you think there are any positives to come out of it? SS: Yes. I think all the big companies will take advantage of it, and that’s fine. We’ll do our best to take advantage of it – disaster capitalism and all of that. I’m worried about the technicians, though. I’m

ABOVE The Quasar Science RR50 has a low- profile shape, ideal for fitting into small places

MAY 2020 | DEF I N I T ION 21

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