DEFINITION December 2018

The episode comprised of five long takes; three took place in the funeral home and two in Hill House IMAGES The set of Shirley’s funeral home, left, was physically connected to the set of Hill House itself, seen below.

them down and showed them the entire episode, shot on a DSLR, with the second team performing. They could see each shot executed successfully and the goal they were trying get to. Rehearsals then began in earnest. The actors would be on one stage, practicing the scene and the performance, while our camera operators worked on the other stage with the second team refining camera blocking and lighting cues. There were hundreds of individual lighting cues, not only for effect but also for beauty lighting. If a cue was late, an actor wouldn’t be lit properly. If an actor missed their mark, or if a cue was early or delayed, it meant actors went dark, or you’d see a camera shadow. SHOOTING We began shooting finally on 6 April 2018. We shot in episode order, so the first shot was 14 pages long and in Shirley’s funeral home. We did tech rehearsals in the morning and started shooting, in case we got lucky. We only had to get it right once. This first segment involved hiding the younger actors playing the Crain children around the corner in the viewing room, so they could run in and replace their adult counterparts during a 360-degree move centred around actor, Timothy Hutton.

DECEMBER 20 1 8 | DEF I N I T ION 33

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