Definition December 2023 - Newsletter


MAKING THE GRADE Saurabh Monga, cinematographer on the series, was present in the FutureWorks studio throughout the colour grading sessions, which were spread out over a few months. “I usually try to do as much in-camera as possible when it comes to the look and feel of a project, then bring it to the DI table to finalise the results, without feeling over-graded,” he says. “Working with DI colourist Tushar Desai, we were able to iterate together and find the right balance to bring the entire series together into a coherent whole.” Producer Karnesh Sharma adds that seamless VFX integration and balanced colour grading had a significant impact on the final look. “The fact that kohrra translates to fog meant capturing this essence was crucial,” he insists. “Facing a summer shoot, the FutureWorks team worked closely with us to develop a VFX and colour workflow, using skilful compositing to create authentic fog. This was complemented by the grade, which utilised a balance between cool and warm tones for cohesion. Only so much of this essence can be captured by the camera, it’s the magic delivered by FutureWorks and a testament to teamwork that brought Kohrra to life.” The series made its Netflix debut on 15 July 2023

created in fully flat 2D – then 2.5D – but quickly rejected both as they lacked the necessary depth. The fog had to be part of the environment and give the illusion of layers. The team decided to venture into the realm of deep compositing, integrating layers of fog with varying depths to create an effect that was both seamless and organic.” ACCIDENTALLY ON PURPOSE Kohrra was not a VFX-heavy production, but even when it was used, the priority for the team was story integrity. One central scene involved a pair of vehicles crashing in the Punjab countryside. VFX supervisor Ashoke Chowdhury reveals to us how the team was charged with crafting the collision itself – as well as its ultimate consequences. "Getting both the crash and outcome right for the car accident scene in Kohrra was a meticulous process,” he tells us. “Unpredictable weather conditions during the shoot added to the challenge, which prompted us to prioritise safety,” he says. “By carefully previsualising the VFX shoot in Unreal Engine, we managed to achieve the desired impact without endangering anyone on-set. Layer separation and meticulous alignment were key to making this look authentic.”



CREATIVE CLOUDS Deep compositing was the key to cloaking the characters in the show’s titular fog, creating the layers needed for a convincing look



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