Definition December 2023 - Newsletter


While productions may come and go, VMI has been supplying camera equipment for Bentley Productions’ Midsomer Murders for more than ten seasons, so we have to be doing something right! Def: What sets you apart from other rental services in the sector? VMI: Probably the most important reason that people hire from VMI is exemplary customer service. In our annual client survey, 96% of our clients rated our service as ‘excellent’. Sustainability is a very important driver at VMI and doesn’t cost the customer any more. We are probably the only albert-certified carbon-neutral rental company, and our quotes calculate how much CO 2 customers have saved by hiring from us. Our sustainability efforts allowed us to halve our 2019 emissions (our base year for measurement), and all our power comes from sustainable sources or is generated by our own solar panels. UPS: By regularly visiting the crew and being a familiar face on-set, we offer a personal service from our experienced and friendly team. We invest in the newest state-of-the-art products to service the set lighting and rigging needs of all film and television productions throughout the UK. Panavision: Panavision has been supporting filmmakers since 1954, and we have more than 45 locations around

popular systems, from the latest digital offerings to tried-and-true cameras for 16mm, 35mm and 65mm film capture. With our in-house engineering and manufacturing teams, we’re able to ‘Panavise’ third-party cameras, outfitting them with purpose-built Panavision Modular accessories, which provide camera crews with greater flexibility and enable more streamlined camera builds. We also offer solutions you can’t find anywhere else, like the Panavision WiFiber system, which extends wireless communications between set and video village, and our LCND electronic filters. With our optical expertise, we’re able to push a look even further or come up with something new to meet the storytelling needs of a particular project or shot. Delivering custom optical solutions to realise filmmakers’ creative intent has long been part of Panavision’s DNA, and what starts as a custom optical solution for an individual cinematographer often informs the development of future lens series. That customer input and feedback is hugely important, and the results are seen in every lens series we produce. Video Europe: We’ve been in business for over 50 years. We stock large quantities of the most in-demand equipment, along with some of the harder-to-find gear that not everyone holds. We look after all our customers no matter how large or small with the highest levels of customer service one can offer, and that is what will keep us at the forefront of cine, broadcast and professional equipment rental for another 50 years.

BRIGHT IDEAS The rental sector has a variety of innovative lighting solutions to suit every need and budget

the world. Our camera and optics rental division is complemented by the overall Panavision group of companies, which includes our Grip and Remote Systems division, our lighting division Panalux, our post-production services provider Light Iron – and more. Across the Panavision group, this gives us a comprehensive understanding of the complete imaging chain from prep through post. Our inventory also sets us apart. On the optics side, we offer about 30 proprietary lens series – anamorphic and spherical – which you can’t find anywhere else. Complementing that, our camera inventory includes all the most

Creative community CVP has been in the rental game for over three decades, servicing the UK and continental Europe with dedicated headquarters in both. Spanning photo, video, audio and virtual production, the company offers the latest and greatest equipment, as well as professional product repairs. CVP maintains close relationships with its major retailers, including ARRI, Sony, Canon and RED, and even

offers the CVP | ARRI Creative Space in central London. Its other location – a dynamic showroom just a few blocks over – abides by an open-door policy, encouraging creatives to look, touch and try before they buy (or rent). CVP provides first-class customer service, with a team of over 150 friendly and knowledgeable staff.



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