Cambridge Edition February 2025 - Web


Skin deep “Every inking tells a story,” says photographer Mark Box of this month’s theme. “Tattoos interest me because I love hearing the stories behind them, especially when used as a form of self-expression, and personal significance. People with tattoos also tend to be a lot more outgoing.” Designs range from mythical characters to flowers, butterflies and even celebrities. “There seem to be more tattooed people around in 2025 than ever before,” says Mark. “Once upon a time it was a rarity, and people only had tattoos done for a special occasion, but now they’re a lot more common. I have a tattoo myself, but I’m not especially proud of it because I didn’t put all that much thought into it!” Alva (top left) is a tattoo artist, roboticist, activist and entrepreneur: “On my arm is a Skogsrå, a mythical forest creature in Swedish folklore,” she told Mark. “She appears as a beautiful woman, but from behind has a tail, hollow back or skin like tree bark. Men follow her into the forest and are never seen again…” Humans of Cambridge is a street photography photoblog founded by Mark Box in 2020. Follow him on Instagram @humanofcambridge


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