Definition January 2025 - Newsletter


Def: How do you see the relationship between lighting manufacturers, DOPs and production teams evolving? Are there areas where collaboration could improve? TK: Lighting manufacturers are gaining more access than ever to their target audiences – like cinematographers – through social media, professional societies like the International Cinema Lighting Society (ICLS) and other kinds of internet-based communities. This ongoing communication has created mutual awareness of customer needs and led to more responsive iterations of lighting products that previously took significantly longer to realise. This valuable collaboration has the potential to improve, with a clearer, shared lighting language commonly used by all parties.

Def: What is one feature or capability that your clients most frequently request – and how does it shape your R&D priorities? TK: Ease of service has recently dominated Aputure’s feature requests. This feature completely transforms and shapes physical and software product research, as well as development, to make easy service possible. Def: As the boundaries between physical and virtual production blur, how is lighting tech adapting to serve hybrid workflows? TK: Lighting tech and software have now evolved to employ image-based lighting (IBL), which offers more dynamic or realistic lighting controls at simple and complex levels alike. For the first time, these IBL fixtures have given lighting technicians the same post-production

tools as post-production departments. This new era of sophisticated lighting controls has only just begun. Def: Looking ahead 5-10 years, what do you think the future holds for lighting technology in film production? What advancements are you most eager to see, or what untapped potential are you hoping to explore? TK: IBL workflows will simplify in scale for the common user due to advancements in compatibility and standardisation of full-spectrum colour control. Lighting control will simultaneously grow more robust and simplify with the adoption of common colour and white light standards; and synchronised lighting timing standards will reduce control errors or unexpected colour problems in camera.

TRUE COLOURS Aputure's STORM 80c (left) offers a tunable colour range from 1800K to 20,000K with full green-magenta adjustment



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