FEED Winter 2023 Web

TOP TALK One of our favourite talks from the whole of IBC 2023 took place on Friday. Its title was ‘Winning over Gen Alpha: What broadcasters and brands need to action now.’ Otherwise known as the ‘second-generation digital natives,’ Gen Alpha differ from Gen Z due to having the opportunity to be connected since they were born. This reliance was further heightened during the Covid-19 pandemic, where school was switched to screens. “I think that the speed of change in how everybody’s consuming, engaging with and making content means that there will likely be a paradigm shift. Second-generation digital natives will be the evolution,” stated Matt Risley, managing director of 4Studio at Channel 4. The talk expounded that ‘generation glass’ and ‘screenagers’ are misnomers, and there is much more to these under-13-year-olds that brands, media outlets and retailers had bargained for. It also explored how young Gen Alpha creators are demonstrating impressive content creation skills as well as a seemingly innate ability to build a brand and market their platforms.


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