DEFINITION February 2018



John Owen shoots films for gym equipment manufacturers and was looking for a physical way to move his footage in to post

commuter train or transferring files in a remote location, we have found creative people finding a solution that fundamentally changes their usual way of doing things – that’s the best use of new technology and a true enabler. GETTING PHYSICAL Samsung’s range of Portable SSD T5 drives at present tops out at an impressive 2TB but also on offer are 1TB, 500GB and 250GB versions. We shipped John Owen a 500GB SSD drive as most of his corporate films are aimed at an online audience and the files don’t need to be as massive as say a movie file.

he more people we ask to look at these incredible new Samsung Portable SSD T5 drives the more we realise that this is enabling storage technology at the cutting edge. Throughout the series we have seen many and varied uses for them: we have been in the air with a major movie aerial cinematography company; we have been deep in the ocean with a highly talented and decorated wildlife cinematographer; and we have been on the streets with indie filmmakers who need small, fast, portable, reliable and secure storage. With each case study, whether it be editing a movie on a packed

John shoots with a range of cameras including DSLRs and more bespoke models. Even if he does shoot with a smaller file size there is still a need to get the footage from camera to his post-production set-up as quickly as possible. “Shooting gym equipment sounds a simple project,” he says, “but you have to bring in models and create a nicely lit set so at the end of the day you’re dealing with similar problems to say a small television production.” The demands of corporate videos mirror most other productions and in some cases they ask more of the producer who can be a lone operator.

IMAGES Thanks to the Samsung Portable SSD T5, John Owens is able to quickly and efficiently transfer his footage, saving time on set.



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