Cambridge Edition February 2024 - Web



SICILY Al Pomodoro has been treating Cambridge to its authentic Italian cuisine since 2019. We pull up a chair with the restaurant’s founders, Umberto Rosso and Emiliano Zarra


Cambridge Edition: Can you talk us through the restaurant’s beginnings and the vision behind it? Umberto Rosso, co-founder: Al Pomodoro was born out of a passion for authentic Sicilian cuisine and a desire to create a welcoming space for the Italian community in Cambridge. We wanted to bring the rich flavours and traditions of our heritage to the heart of the city. Myself and my co-founder (who is also my cousin) had both worked at reputable Italian restaurant chains in the UK before we decided to open our own business. Soon after, my parents-in-law – Tony and Cettina – joined the kitchen and they are still at the heart of each dish. CE: What does family mean to Al Pomodoro? Emiliano Zarra, co-founder: Family holds a special place at the heart of our restaurant. The project began with a team of family members who made the bold move from Germany to the UK to embark on this culinary adventure. Their dedication and support have been instrumental in overcoming the challenges of adapting to a new environment. Without the strong foundation of family connections, our story would not be what it is today! Our commitment to family extends beyond the kitchen, creating an environment where both our team and guests feel a sense of belonging and warmth. Together, we’ve built more than a restaurant; we’ve created a small Sicily. CE: Whet our appetites with some of your speciality dishes! UR: We take pride in offering a range of dishes that showcase the richness of our

FAMILY TIES Umberto and Emiliano worked at reputable Italian restaurant chains prior to founding Al Pomodoro

heritage. Some of our standout creations include arancinetto di Cettina, which is a hand-rolled risotto ball with a heart of melted mozzarella, bolognese ragù and peas. Likewise, we have caponata, which is a sweet and savoury ratatouille of aubergines, courgettes, olives and onions with pine nuts baked in a tomato sauce and garnished with fresh basil. Other favourites include linguine allo scoglio, involtini alla norma – an aubergine pasta roll cooked with fresh tomato sauce and white wine before it is oven baked and topped with ricotta cheese and fresh basil – and crudi di pesce from Sicily, featuring salmon, oysters, prawns and scampi. Finally, for something sweet you can’t beat our Sicilian cannolo,

made from an ancient recipe and filled with ricotta cream, chocolate chips and topped with pistachio sprinkles. CE: Who’s in the kitchen? EZ: Cettina is the mind behind the menu! She is always introducing new Sicilian dishes, keeping it fresh and showcasing our commitment to culinary creativity. When serving these dishes, we like to emphasise a shared dining experience that tells a story and fosters a sense of connection, making each visit a memorable culinary journey. We pride ourselves on our family touch, welcoming ambience and quality food, which altogether provide not just a meal, but a genuine Sicilian dining experience that blends tradition with innovation.

Family holds a special place at the heart of our restaurant

Visit or call 01223 971234 to book your table, or go to 152 Hills Road CB2 8PB. Also available on Deliveroo


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