FEED Issue 02

24 CONTENT FOCUS Education

video in a wide range of ways, students are increasingly coming to see blended learning – the combination of face-to-face and digital learning tools – as the norm.” Patricia Finlayson, senior product and solutions marketing manager of videoconferencing tech company Polycom, states: “The current generation of younger students are digital natives, and mature students are likely to be comfortable with mobile and video technology; both have high expectations for their education establishments to keep up to date with the latest innovative technology.” As to risks associated with this technology, Collick says: “Streaming video is only eective when the content is meaningful and engaging for students. If students are not given choice in what they watch, or what they watch is uninspiring or of questionable quality, it won’t bring any educational benefit.” “The hazard can come when programmes rely on platforms like YouTube to host their lessons natively,” Wowza’s Michaels adds. “While YouTube is a great

platform for free distribution and storage, viewers can easily be distracted by other videos or channels in suggested posts, and perhaps content that may contradict current lessons, or provide opposing analysis to specific points of instruction.” INTO THE CLASSROOM On innovative uses of streaming video in education today, Michaels states: “Live video gives schools the ability to extend the feel of community beyond the campus walls and has enormous potential for both student life and recruiting, maintaining and building relationships with alumni, donors and parents. St Andrews School, a private boarding academy in Delaware, regularly streams lectures from visiting professors, student events, fine arts performances and parents’ weekends. This allows parents, extended families and communities to be connected, even while apart.” Michaels adds that University College London (UCL), the third-largest university in the UK with the largest postgraduate


GREATER UNDERSTANDING Video on demand allows students to enhance their learning by revisiting lessons

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