Definition July 2024 - Web


We look ahead to Euro Cine Expo and discuss what to expect from the event

and ‘The future of film lighting’ with Bojana Andric, SAS,” relays Saunders. “Maria Teresa Medina will lead a session on ‘Sustainable cinematography practices,’ while Elen Lotman, ESC and Birgit Gudjonsdottir will present ‘Collaborative techniques in filmmaking’. These sessions provide a comprehensive learning experience, so that participants leave with valuable insights and practical knowledge,” Saunders concludes. We’re also excited for the following panels. Challenges and nature of mixed reality 28 June, 10-11am, Room 1 Presented by IMAGO Technical & Education Committees, this seminar will see discussions on a range of lighting technologies that maintain a natural look across physical and virtual realities. Innovative solutions for green film production 28 June, 1.45-2.45pm, Room 2 It’s the subject on everyone’s mind: sustainability. Moderated by Birgit Heidsiek of Green Film Shooting, this panel focuses on reducing our carbon footprints. Hydrogen-powered gensets, solar-power trailers and sodium-based batteries are just a few ways to do so. Choosing colours for better integration of the virtual and physical worlds 29 June, 10-11am, Room 1 This seminar delves into Personal Colour Analysis (PCA), explaining how technical

developments in virtual production can benefit from a decolonised approach to better represent various ethnic groups.

Resolution and image quality in immersive cinema 29 June, 10-11am, Room 3 Considering recent developments in immersive filmmaking – and given IMAX’s continued popularity – this discussion with Pawel Achtel will centre on his 9x7 camera and the growing need for higher image resolutions. The creative triangle: Relationship between actors, directors and cinematographers 29 June, 12-1.30pm, Room 3 This panel unpacks the shared dynamic between actors, directors and DOPs, where their skills overlap and where knowledge gaps might exist – and how to fill them. AI and the movie community 29 June, 3-4.30pm, Room 3 AI has proven to be a major disruptor across the entertainment industries. This seminar asks about the drawbacks, threats, opportunities, capabilities and copyright implications of this new technology. Is AI innovative or derivative? Whether you’re a sceptic or a hopeful, it’s best to be informed.

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Bringing together film and TV, Euro Cine is the place for the latest in cinematography – and expects its highest turnout yet this year

Both the Expo and the Symposium are free to attend, and visitors can register at



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