Definition July 2024 - Web


and darkness to create atmosphere and focus the audience’s gaze on what’s important in the frame,” she enthuses. Walker’s keen eye for these details makes her an invaluable judge for this year’s awards, where she says she’ll be on the lookout for colour work which blends naturally into narratives. “I look for consistency and colour which is not too affected as to look overly treated, but that seamlessly works with – not against – the elements of the story and what’s seen colour – and colourists – ahead of judging entries for the 2024 FilmLight Colour Awards Cinematographer Mandy Walker tells Nicola Foley about her relationship with

M andy Walker, AM, ACS, ASC knows a thing or two about the power of colour in crafting captivating cinematic narratives. From collaborating with Baz Luhrmann on Elvis and Australia to lensing 2020’s live-action take on Mulan , the Australian cinematographer’s work is full of stunning, sumptuous visuals on a grand scale. Her appreciation of colour – and the crucial role colourists play within that – has earned her a spot on the judging panel for

this year’s FilmLight Colour Awards, which are currently open for entries. Now in their fourth year, the awards celebrate the art of colour across the world and aim to reflect the cultural, visual and technical values of the international colour grading community of today. It’s a craft worth celebrating, thinks Walker. “I really appreciate the artistry of great colourists and how they can help cinematographers enhance the storytelling with colour, contrast, light




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