Definition July 2024 - Web



THE RIGHT TRACK Bild Studios’ MARS Volume is a 12,000 sq ft studio space incorporating a 25.5x5m curved LED wall into its offering

“Drive under a bridge, and see the shadow of the bridge pass right over the top of the vehicle,” says Bild Studios CCO Joanna Alpe. “No green spill means achieving natural skin tones and colour management is a breeze here when compared with green screen. “Time and time again, directors will tell us that access to the actors in the vehicle makes a huge difference, allowing them to easily take bathroom breaks, get refreshments and take direction with ease as opposed to the restricted access of a low loader. “You can shoot at any time of day, in any hard-to-access location,” she says, “such as airport runways or Oxford Street at Christmas time for example.” October Media is a production service company based in Norfolk that offers a fleet of US action vehicles, virtual production capabilities, studios, workshops, standing sets, crewing and early scheduling/budgeting facilities. “Driving scenes shot using VP unshackle filmmakers from the many constraints of shooting on real roads, using traffic management and low

loaders that never seem to have enough seats for all the crew,” says Davenport. “They can achieve the precise look they want using multicamera plate shots from libraries like displayed on the LED volume. “The interactive nature of lighting also enables artists to perform dangerous actions while appearing to drive as passing scenery is reflected in their eyes. Add to this that productions enhance their sustainability credentials by not travelling to locations!” TIPS FROM THE EXPERTS Bigger isn't always better when it comes to car process shoots on a virtual production stage. “Great results can be achieved with a fairly modest volume,” says Franklin. “DOPs need to be careful of any reflections showing any seams in the volume – such as gaps between the wall panels and the ceiling panels. Wild walls (movable wall panels which can also tilt up and down) are a useful addition in this respect. Moiré is also something to watch out for, especially in the windscreen.”

ACHIEVING natural skin tones and colours IS A BREEZE HERE compared to green screen ”



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